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Honoring Women’s History, Writers Boot Camp will award three deserving writers full $2500 scholarships for the Tuesday, April 18th

10-Week Basic Training. The fellowship category is the second annual, as well as another effort to support female-focused stories and women’s voices, which we highlighted even more since the 2020 pandemic.

Conducted by founder Jeffrey Gordon, Basic Training will take each writer from idea through a first draft and two rewrites of a TV pilot or movie script–or the foundation of a book or novel–while imparting writing fundamentals. The only prerequisite for eligibility is the availability of 10 hours per week for creative exercises and writing.

The short application for this fellowship is free and highlights a few topical questions for writers to articulate personal perspectives and individual experiences of women writers and filmmakers. The expectation for stories is not that they are based on one’s own life but how one’s perspective provides engaging insight.

Applications will be followed prior to the deadline by a staff member to verify your availability for 10 hours per week to fully participate in Basic Training if selected as a winner.

Writers Boot Camp has a remarkable track record in support of diverse voices, including women. In our 33-year history, a higher percentage of our alumni successes and credits have been by women.

Applications must be received by 5pm, LA time, on Thursday, April 6th. Only one application will be accepted per writer. For more information and the submission form, please click the above link or go to writersbootcamp.com. Please note that the Career Survey page is not the Fellowship application page.

Story & Project Factors to Consider:

–Do you have a fresh take on a genre or subject that expands upon what’s typically been done and goes beyond cliche?

–Is there a story that in past iterations has been whitewashed, sanitized or is now out-of-date?

–Can the project open our eyes while entertaining us?

While the application is straightforward, we encourage you not to wait until the last minute. Please keep all answers to a single sentence and consider the distinctions you can make to stand out from the crowd.

For more info about Writers Boot Camp you can call 310/998-1199, check out writersbootcamp.com, or email jg@writersbootcamp.com

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