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In solidarity with the WGA, we have three

50% scholarships available for guild members who want to write a new spec in this end of summer start.

10-Week Basic Training: Tuesday, August 15th

Only 5 Roster Spots Remaining

Take Your Script Idea Through Three Drafts in 10 Hours Per Week for 10 Weeks with Founder Jeffrey Gordon

Alumni receive 20% partial scholarship and Pro Members returning to Project Group as Officers receive Basic Training as a complimentary jump-start.

No writer achieves more without a real deadline and, in the absence of an official writing gig, without a regimen of support.

You can join Writers Boot Camp Founder, Jeffrey Gordon for the second summer session, the Basic Training starting shortly after the July roster on Tuesday, August 15th. Basic Training will help you

write your movie, TV pilot or book. The 10-week process will guide you through the same tools as 12,000 past alumni–and success stories of writers and filmmakers with hundreds of major movie and television credits.

As we’ve emphasized for the past 34 years supporting screenwriters and helping launch careers:

If you commit 10 hours per week for 10 weeks, we’ll help you turn your movie or TV idea into a first draft plus two rewrites–while learning unique writing tools and fundamentals of the profession.

As summer fast extends, nearly half of the year gone, you can see that creative resolve and productivity can quickly suffer and you can lose momentum under the weight of other priorities.

Achievement requires renewed commitment–and 10 hours per week can make all the difference.

Writers Boot Camp will help you manage project goals and shift the trajectory of your year ahead. In just 10 weeks, we can help you through three drafts of your TV Pilot or Feature Film script–or to develop and write the story foundation and initial set of pages for a book or novel.

Writers Boot Camp’s tools and strategies have launched hundreds of alumni to careers in television and movies–and the tools apply to prose projects, as hundreds of books by alumni have been published following the experience and struggle of compacting and structuring stories for the big and small screen.

Basic Training Is More Than Basic

The simple, forthright decision to commit to your writing can make all the difference. While Basic Training is more than basic for writers with prior experience, who will appreciate how we put names to key story challenges and writing blocks, newer writers will greatly benefit from the mentoring and support to learn a foundation of comprehensive tools for Concept, Structure, Character Development, and crucial distinctions of the script page.

A positive side effect of the pandemic, the move to zoom has allowed writers and filmmakers outside of LA to participate in the LA groups, which even many past alumni were not able to do.

For more info, please email jg@writersbootcamp.com. Monthly payment plans are very affordable and also may be customized for writers referred by friends and alumni.

As always, we love to hear from alumni with news and success stories!

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