Alabama Writers Forum2024-05-06T12:33:19-05:00

The Alabama Writers’ Forum

The Alabama Writers’ Forum, a partnership program of the Alabama State Council on the Arts, works to cultivate our state’s literary culture. We do that through supporting writers at all stages. We encourage our young writers to find their creative voice through the Father Goose Poetry Festival for Kids!–and through our Alabama High School Literary Arts Awards. We support the work of our state’s literary community through our Alabama Authors Directory, First Draft magazine, and other programming and opportunities for writers across the state. And we celebrate our state’s rich literary legacy through the Alabama Writers Hall of Fame. We are, above all, a community of writers united by our desire to advance the literary arts in Alabama. If that describes you — join us! There are many ways to get involved.

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Aunt Better’s Day Work

May 31, 2024|

By Sharony Green Olympia Publishers, 2023 Bumblebee Paperback Edition: L8.99 UK, $10.84 Amazon Genre: Children’s Fiction Reviewed by Karen Hilgartner Follow Delores Rayshell Ravine as she tags along with her “Aunt Better,” an aspiring actor currently doing “day work” as a housekeeper for a successful young fashion designer, Miss Oona Levine. Author and historian Sharony Green takes the reader on a day in the life of young Delores when her Aunt Betty, who she accidentally named Aunt “Better” when she was three, gets called to a long-awaited audition and Miss Oona steps in to babysit. High fashion, fancy restaurants, and day spas are in store for Delores in this delightful little book.  Alliteration and rhyme carry the reader along as if in a dance:   So every day, Aunt Better and Delores stepped fine To the home of Miss Oona, a lady divine Who got dressed every morning at half past nine Because she’d been up all night Making pretty dresses with exquisite designs For famous people like Beatrix Boujoulere, The Duchess of Havenshine. Green’s character personalities [...]

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